Product SOLID CONTENT % TG (°C) VISCOSITY at 25°C (mPa.s) Description
7032 69 - 712510.000 - 18.000 Hydrosoluble resin used for the external part of the tubes with high ramification. The viscosity could be tailormade
5508 54 - 56252.200 - 3.400 Very High MW (molecular weight) Resin used for primer with excellent mechanical properties
5080 49 - 51161.200 - 3.000 Resin for flexible interior can coating with hardeners based on blocked isocyanates or amino resins. Paints based on it show good acid sterilization resistance, low porosity and good adhesion
5004 49 - 51502.500 - 4.000 Medium MW (molecular weight) resin with high TG and optimal mechanical properties for clearcoat
4095 39 - 41701.600 - 3.600 High MW (molecular weight) Resin used for the interior can coating, good acid sterilization resistance, very low porosity and high flexibilty, very high Tg
4083 39 - 41651.200 - 3.500 High MW resin with an excellent flexibility