
Product TG (min-max) ACID NUMBER (min-max) VISCOSITY (min-max) Description
PE 8470 5532-403500-5500 Prepared with FDA approved raw materials §175.300
PE 8440 6532-405000-9000 Medium reactivity, good storage stability of powders
PE 8439.T 5630-383000-6000 High reactive systems, for texture coatings
PE 8429* 5630-383000-6000 High reactive system, good fillers wettability
PE 8425.T 5430-383500-5500 High reactive systems; good flow and mechanical properties
PE 8422* 5428-364500-7000 Very high reactive systems, good flow
PE 8421* 5432-403500-5500 High reactive systems; good flow and mechanical properties
PE 8420* 5232-403500-5500 Medium reactivity, good flow, matt coating with B68
PE 8419* 5532-403500-5500 High reactive systems; good flow and mechanical properties
PE 8418.T 5030-383000-6000 High reactive systems; very good flow
PE 8417 5332-404000-7000 Very high reactive systems, good flow
PE 8412.T 5435-453500-6500 High reactive systems, good overbaking
PE 8423/FT* 53384000-7000 With 2% of acrylic flow agent, high reactive systems